
Improving Access to Services for Clients Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage and Co-occurring Conditions

Backed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, this aneemo course has been created in partnership with the NHS’s Transformation Partners in Health and Care Co-Occurring Conditions Team to support cross-sector professionals in recognising and supporting the multiple and co-occurring needs of people who experience multiple disadvantage.

A brief introduction to inclusion health

Inclusion Health aims to prevent and redress unequal health outcomes for people from disadvantaged populations, including -

  • people experiencing homelessness
  • sex workers
  • vulnerable migrants
  • Gypsies and Travellers

Inclusion health

Inclusion health is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of inclusion health - including key evidence and data, signposting to trusted resources to help -

  • prevent illness
  • protect health
  • promote wellbeing

Adverse childhood experiences

The Adverse Childhood Experiences course explores the impact of adverse childhood experience and trauma, focusing on how we can improve the recognition and support that we offer to people, including through the delivery of trauma-informed care.

Autism in inclusion health

The Autism in inclusion health eLearning, developed by the London Network of Nurses and Midwives Homelessness Group, will help you support autistic people in inclusion health populations.

Supporting people experiencing homelessness in an accident and emergency setting

This course provides an overview of the challenges which can present when people experiencing homelessness attend an Accident and Emergency setting, including -

  • issues of self-discharge
  • the safeguarding framework around self-neglect
  • and mental capacity

Supporting people experiencing homelessness with diabetes

This course provides an overview of the challenges which can present when people experiencing homelessness have diabetes, including a focus on Safeguarding Adult Reviews after death, and what can be learned from these.

Tackling Homelessness

The Tackling Homelessness programme offers two elearning sessions to support the health and care workforce to understand the health impacts of homelessness, identify different forms of homelessness, gain practical steps to making a referral and highlights ways your organisation can implement the duty effectively.

Summary of An introduction to inclusion health

The Summary of an introduction to inclusion health module will help you to understand what inclusion health is, the factors that cause exclusion, and the practical actions that you and your practice can take to improve care for these patients.